Joy in the midst of tribulation
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
-Romans 5:3-5
I realized something today: I spend too much time focused on the bad things that happened rather than focusing on the good. Yes, I decreased in the amount of complaining I have done, but what about increasing my thankfulness and praise? Aren't these things that happen to us supposed to make better individuals? Yes! What doesn't kill me, will only make me stronger! So, what do I have to be happy for? Here's some stuff:
I understand that I'm not the one with issues, its all females! This makes me feel better about myself. Its them who feel all men are dogs anyway! (Well my friends tell me this is a bit of an exaggeration, but who cares?

Ok, that first one was a joke... but seriously...
I am thankful that the situations this past week taught me something, explained things that I couldn't see before.
I am thankful that the circumstances that I am in don't make me proud, but humble me; only making me seek God more. I am thankful that they are training me to be more content! In God's time, He will bless me and bless me abundantly!
I am thankful that I do have friends that understand me and are there for me. Who don't think I am loving to them because I want something.
I am thankful that I have family that are there for support and advice, who love me very much.
I'm thankful that I have a meal plan that provides all the food that I need for the day, others have to worry constantly what they will eat for dinner every night.
I'm glad I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back and enough to fulfill my needs. I can say the same for my family!
I am thankful that I have grown so much in Christ this last year, when others around me are either stagnant in their walk with Christ or are falling backwards. College is a difficult place to live in, with all types of temptations and false, Biblically-lacking advice from friends that seem so pure and innocent and "well-intentioned". Somehow during all of this I remained faithful and truly persuant of God. While I first had to submit to God to get where I am today, I give ALL the glory to the Holy Spirit who keeps me and strengthens me!
And most importantly of all, I am thankful that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me and wiped away all of my sins! I will not suffer the punishment of eternal damnation, not because of the "good" things I have done, but because of how much God has loved me, for what he has already done.
All of this to be thankful for, how could I not be happy? Come to think of it, I'm not even really going throught that much? Most of my problems have gone, this stuff doesn't even compare to what I went through last semester. On top of that, it doesn't even compare to what some people out there with real problems go through!
Yeah I'm happy now! In the words of Ren and Stimpy: Happy Happy Joy Joy! (Yeah I had to take it back. To the days when Nickelodean was good)
And now: Time for the Banana Dance!

Here's to a great upcoming weekend and the rest of the semester!