Period. Full Stop.
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
- Philippians 4:11,13 (KJV)
Contentment is necessary if we are going to endure as believers. Sometimes we think we need things when really we don't. When we see things that we think we need and we don't get it, that is where the devil uses the opportunity to attack our faith. This is something that I have had to contend with a lot for a while now, but I think I have overcome it. I have all that I need. I actually completely understand and can appreciate that statement. I have all that I need.
I don't need anything else right now. If I did, God would have already provided it by now. If He doesn't provide it for me today, then I don't need it today. If he provides it 2 days from now, it means that I did not need it today but 2 days into the future, I will need it!!! I know, you may say "Well isn't that obvious, everyone knows that, what type of Christian are you?" I understand the statement, but I have a complete understanding of it now. One that I cannot merely explain in words.
So while I'm still hurting over various relationships in my life, I am content with what I have now. The pain isn't so nearly as burdensome. I realize now that I have so much to be thankful for, some people are insane. On the train I saw this guy who was talking to himself the whole ride. He didn't really stop. It was like he was in an argument with himself the whole time. I should be thankful that I am not like that and that I actually have people to talk to, although the vast majority of them are selfish ingrates who only talk to you when they need a favor done or they want to do something with you only when it benefits them somehow. "Can you help me with my computer?" Yeah, I'm a Computer Engineer and all, but what ever happened to "Hi, how are you doing?" or "I just called to see how you are doing" or a simple "I love you". I guess I don't get that often is because I don't need it, God gives me enough, and I believe in Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord will Provide).
Speaking of which, is it Jehovah, Yehowah or Yahweh? I've been doing so much research on this and can't really come to a definite answer. Maybe that's why the KJV authors just put in "LORD" in everywhere in the Bible where they found the Hebrew yhwh. After all the research, I'm leaning towards Yahweh, so maybe I should really be saying Yahweh-yireh.
Wow, that was a tangent.
So I am content with where I am. I got a call from IBM last week, hopefully something good will come from that. An internship or co-op with them would really do wonders to my resume! Other than that, the Lord will provide in due time. When I need more, I will have more. I don't have more, because I don't need more. Period. Full stop.
I hope IBM works out!!!
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Anonymous |
12:09 AM