The final battle of the war
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:8 (NAS)
So I've got a week and half left, and I need to be victorious on the final battle. So I've got 2 projects, 3 finals. I've already lost one battle, but I can make up for that later. I've got a lab report due Monday most likely, which means I will barely be able to study this weekend for my exams! Then I have another project due Wednesday. Listen to my professors reasoning: Well some of you guys have an exam on Monday, some of you have one on Tuesday, some on Thursday... so I'm going to make your project due Wednesday! What a jerk! So I am going to have a difficult time next week, but who isn't? This is Clarkson!
On another note, I plan to hold people by their own standards from now on. No more leinancy. In everything. For example, I have this friend who said "If someone is your friend, they will make time to call you and return your calls no matter what. What you need to do is call the person once, then let them call you back. If they are a real friend, they will". I have not heard from the friend who said this to me in 3 months. So, is this person still my friend? Hasn't this person failed their own standards?
Personally, I wouldn't have held someone to that standard myself. Usually, I would make an excuse for them or forgive the person really quickly or something. However, considering this is the person's own statement, I think I need to hold them by it. So I think I will. From now on, be very careful what you say to me, I will hold you to it. No excuses. Well, if you got kidnapped, maybe... lol.
And I still don't have something to do this summer! I need to get something. I need money. I want a car. However all is well, I have my health and family. If I need to get something, I will get it through prayer and supplication. So I'm ready for a great summer and I'm ready to ace my finals, even with little study beforehand! By the end of this semester, I should have a 3.0 for the semester!
Funny how you wrote about this scripture. A friend and I were talking about this. Seems to be a true, yet popular end of semester scripture that stressed, semi-stressed, over-worked, easily distracted students turn to! (Not saying that the scholars we are, that we have ANY of those issues! haha)
Much success
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Anonymous |
3:16 AM