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Tuesday, May 16, 2006 

We're running out of time!

Another year, another season of 24. The greatest show in the history of mankind. Period. So good, it has a website that outclasses even Chuck Norris! Can you believe it? As if it were possible!

American Idol is only popular because it has a commercial for 24.

Jack Bauer works for CTU, Counter Terrorist Unit, and basically defeats terrorists and whole governments single-handedly. The plots are so good every year, how do the writers think up this stuff? Just a week ago, Jack snuck onto a plane through the baggage area, got into the main coach section, took out the air marshall with a quick elbow, hijacked the plane, found the secret recording that the co-pilot/terrorist had that implicates the President in a scandal, and then lands the plane himself all in 20 minutes. But all of this work is squandered because of incompetent help. They allow a traitor to erase the recording. If everyone on "24" followed Jack Bauer's instructions, the show would be called "12"! Its going to have a 2 hour finale that will be awesome, can't wait to see how everything ends. Lost doesn't compare to this show, neither does Grey's Anatomy, nor does American Idol. Simply put, 24 is the best there is. Hey, its never to late to start watching it. If you start now, you will simply buy all 5 seasons on DVD to get the full appreciation of the beast that Jack Bauer is. So watch it next week, 8pm EST on Fox. And remember, Jack doesn't believe in Murphy's Law, only Bauer's Law: "Whatever CAN go wrong, WILL be resolved in a period of 24 hours."

About me

  • I'm Preventer Wind
  • From Clarkson University, New York, United States
  • I was born and raised in Brooklyn, for the most part. My parents sent me to live in Barbados when I was 5 and brought me back here 2 months before I was going to turn 8. I was fairly intelligent, until I came to Clarkson :-P. My grades went south, but I refuse to give up! As hard as things get in life (and things have gotten plenty hard in mine), I have learned not to give up, but to keep faith in Jesus who I gave my life to at the age of 13. And no, my parents didn't make me. I made that decision on my own. They never once even suggested that I get saved. I chose to with my own contrite heart. So above all else, Jesus comes first in my life. So I'm a cool guy, I love everyone, dislike no one, but I HATE to be annoyed! (You're entitled to hate me all you want, but please don't aggrevate me! ) I'm a huge sports fan! Even though I'm pretty knowledgeable in sports, all my favorite teams stink (Raiders, Kings, Mets). Other than that, I'm pretty much game to do anything that's at least permissable by God. So what else is there to know about me? Read the rest of my profile!
My profile


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