Where the name Preventer Wind comes from
So before people start asking me, I'll just let you know. Preventer Wind is one of the many names of an anime character named Miliardo Peacecraft, from the anime series Gundam Wing. When thought dead, he comes from out of no where to fight as a soldier in the ongoing war on Earth for the Preventers, a pacifist group. Yep, a pacifist group fights in wars now. For his services, he makes one request "I'd like the name Wind, appropriate for one who puts out fires". Which is interesting. Wind actually spreads fires, but I digress.
Anyway, I stopped watching anime since I came to college. I'm a Junior now. However I love the name. I don't know why, it just stuck with me. Anyway, now you know the meaning of the name. So don't ask! :-P
Anyway, I stopped watching anime since I came to college. I'm a Junior now. However I love the name. I don't know why, it just stuck with me. Anyway, now you know the meaning of the name. So don't ask! :-P